Friday, 28 December 2007
The best visitor ever!!
Happy Christmas to everyone, and I hope you had just as much fun as we did!
Monday, 24 December 2007
I've met Radish!
As it was our "last night" (as us theatrical types call it) we decided to have a big party right there on the stage. There were party hats and pop and cakes and even some special party games. I was so excited that I didn't even take my costume off and we all had a wonderful time.
The strange thing is that everyone is still saying that there is another special visitor expected. I mean, I've met Radish and Elizabeth - who could possibly be more exciting than that?
Monday, 10 December 2007
Someone Special is Coming Soon!
Sunday, 9 December 2007
It's Nativity Time
First of all there was the baby panda. He wouldn't stop crying until we let him have his puppy toy to cuddle in the crib with him. It's not very authentic, but Mrs Ewe said that we could pretend that one of the three Kings had brought it as a present along with the Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
The other problem was that pesky flock again. They were very well behaved at first, but one lamb decided he wasn't getting enough attention and went to get a cuddle from Mrs Ewe. that would have been fine except Mrs Ewe was playing the piano for our song at the time. Two paws are more than enough for playing a piano - believe me, you don't need a lamb's nose as well!
Never mind, everything was all right in the end. All the Mummies and Daddies seemed to enjoy the show, anyway.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Back to School
Monday, 3 December 2007
My perfect job at last!
I have been given a wheelbarrow, some brushes and a big sack of oats for the donkeys, and a nice pair of green wellies to keep my paws nice and dry. Mucking out can be quite messy work, you know.
I do love looking after Dougie. The nicest bit of all is when I'm brushing the fur around his neck, and he leans his head around and snuggles up to me. I think I'm the luckiest puppy in the world!
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Baking Day Upset
Another day, another job to try. Today I had the chance to help out at the Sylvanian bakery, making cakes and bread for all the animals. It all started quite well with Miss Suzette and Grandma Rabbit helping me to make the pastry and dough. I did get a bit messy with all the flour and sugar and stuff, but that was mainly because the table is so high, and I was a bit wobbly standing on a chair. Eventually they gave me a little low table to work at, and everything went much better. Until, that is, it came to the time to take everything out of the oven. There wasn't much space to put everything down, and I thought that the safest place to put a plate of pies and croissants was on top of a small metal round thing.
I didn't know about pedal bins, or what happens when someone's paw accidentally steps on the pedal. Miss Suzette was very nice about it, and helped me clean it all up. Somehow, I don't think they'll be asking me back, though. I do hope I find a job I like soon - it's all getting a bit upsetting now.
Friday, 30 November 2007
All the Work and no Play...
As if from nowhere, a whole flock of sheep appeared. Typical sheep, they decided that our grass was the best in the whole park, and they marched onto the pitch and started to graze. Well I don't know if you've ever tried to play football around a flock of sheep, but, believe me, it's not easy. They may not be fierce or aggressive, but they won't move out of the way, and they are very single minded when comes to munching the grass. Plus, they have no understanding at all of the offside rule.
After about 10 minutes we finally managed to persuade them to move to the sidelines and got the game underway at last. I think it helped that we've got a lamb on our team, so they decided to support us. Before long we were having a fantastic game, and guess what? I scored the winning goal!
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
I'm forever blowing bubbles - worse luck
Monday, 26 November 2007
This looks much easier!
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Oh Dear, I'm a Silly Billy...
I have decided that I don't want to be this sort of painter as a career. I'm going to try something different tomorrow. I wonder if anyone needs a bone-taster?
Friday, 23 November 2007
A new challenge for Bobby
Thursday, 22 November 2007
A sweet ending after all
Anyway, when I found Mr Rabbit, and he saw what a state I was in, he decided that the best thing for all us to calm down with something nice to eat (all Sylvanians like a little something to calm the tummy). So off we went to the village sweetshop, where Mr Rabbit treated me to an enormous lolly. I’m still sucking it now, so if this post is a bit sticky, I’m sorry.
We have decided that perhaps doing the letter delivery is a bit tiring for me and my small paws, so tomorrow I’m going to try a new job.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Oh Dear!!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
My first day at work
Today I'm starting my work experience. I'm going to be a Postpup! I'm helping the village Postmaster, Mr Rabbit. During the morning I helped in the Post Office, doing important things like helping people stick stamps on the letters (it's very useful having a damp nose, you know). But what I've really been looking forward to is this afternoon. Mrs Rabbit will look after the shop and Mr Rabbit and I are going out to deliver the letters to everyone. I could probably do it on my own, but Mr Rabbit says, that as I am so small, he will come with me. I'm sure I could manage, but I suppose he's the boss. I'll let you know later how I get on.
Monday, 19 November 2007
I've Arrived!
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Nearly There
that I would have to sleep on the boat, but it was very cozy. There were little bunks for both of the otter children and a spare one for me. As I was the guest, they let me have top bunk. Of course the otters just wanted to talk, so we ended up telling each other stories most of the night. I'm very sleepy this morning, but I'm told we'll be at our destination very soon, so I'm going off now to have a wash and comb my fur, so I look my best.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
My Transport of Delight
The reason you can't see Mr Otter in the tea time picture is that he has to steer the boat. He looks very stern and important as he holds the tiller, but he's really very friendly. Don't worry about him going hungry though - Mrs Otter put a plate of pilchards on the roof of the cabin for him (that's a kind of fish and they're his favourites).