Wednesday 28 November 2007

I'm forever blowing bubbles - worse luck

Maybe it's a little bit harder than I thought to bath four babies. It was going OK at first - I got the soap and bubble bath ready in a little basket, and I got some nice warm towels ready. I borrowed a nice pinny so as to keep my clothes dry. I was just about to ask the little ones to get undressed when I realised that Roly and Lutra had already done so and were climbing in on their own.

Well, I started to get rather worried - what if they couldn't swim? I mean, I know the water wasn't very deep, but you can't be too sure. So I tried to reach in and grab them. You would not believe how wriggly and slippery a damp baby otter can be! That's when I lost my footing and ended up head first in the bath myself. Meanwhile the two little scamps had already climbed out, and Roly was making off with sponge is mouth.

They seemed to think it was highly hilarious. So did the animal's parents when I took them back. Apparently baby otters are very good swimmers - who would have thought that? And Roly is apparently about as likely to sink as a balloon.

I think baby sitting is more difficult than I expected. I'm going to leave it to grown ups from now on.

1 comment:

Fat Tony said...

bobby looks very sweet in his pinny.