Saturday 17 November 2007

My Transport of Delight

I'm almost exploding with excitement now! My mysterious lift arrived and it is a canal boat. Mr and Mrs Otter and their family picked me up in the most beautiful boat I've ever seen. It's called the Rose of Sylvania, and it's got a little kitchen, a place to sit and eat and even a toilet! Best of all, it turns out that it will take more than a day to get to our destination, so I will be sleeping on board tonight.

Before settling down for the night, the otters laid on a brilliant tea. They were a bit surprised that I don't really like fish very much. Mrs Otter was worried that I was poorly, but I explained that dogs prefer meat to fish. The children just looked pleased that they didn't have to share. Anyway, everybody loves cake and there was plenty of that to go around. In the picture you can see me, Ebb and Flo (that's the children's names) and Mrs Otter all tucking into cakes, sweets and pop. Now that's what I call a balanced diet!

The reason you can't see Mr Otter in the tea time picture is that he has to steer the boat. He looks very stern and important as he holds the tiller, but he's really very friendly. Don't worry about him going hungry though - Mrs Otter put a plate of pilchards on the roof of the cabin for him (that's a kind of fish and they're his favourites).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww... so cute.