Sunday 25 November 2007

Oh Dear, I'm a Silly Billy...

Or should I say Silly Bobby? After I'd been painting for about an hour, Mr and Mrs Squirrel came to see how I was getting on. That's when I found out that they didn't want me to do a painting of the stable - they wanted me to paint the shed itself. I did feel a silly pup. To make matters worse, the shed suddenly seemed enormous when I realised I had to paint every inch of it myself. Luckily some of my new friends heard about my problem and came to help. We haven't really got enough proper big paint brushes to go round but everyone is using whatever they can get their paws on, and I'm sure we will get it finished in no time.

I have decided that I don't want to be this sort of painter as a career. I'm going to try something different tomorrow. I wonder if anyone needs a bone-taster?

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