Friday 27 February 2009

Another New Challenge

Bucky spent most of this morning pestering me to take him for a ride, so after lunch we set off with me pulling our go-kart along and him standing with a couple of stray chicks in the kart. I know I'm a dog from Canada, but it's a bit undignified to have two chicks and a beaver shouting "mush, mush" at you as you tow them along. Anyway after a few minutes we ended up in front of the Village Hall, and outside there was a very exciting sign. It said "Grand Talent Contest" and said that there are great prizes to be won. Well surely a pup as versatile and adaptable as me can turn his paw to something entertaining? I just need to decide what my act should be - maybe a song and dance, or some acrobatics? Hmm, I'll have to give this some thought.

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