Thursday 24 January 2008

My new home from home

Just look what my friends have built for me! After school this afternoon, I was told to shut my eyes tight and hold paws with two of my friends while they led me to a "special place". When we got there I was told I could open my eyes, and when I did, I saw the most beautiful, perfect little log cabin, just like the ones we have at home. Not only that, they have even put a Canadian flag over the door! Now whenever I feel like a taste of home, I can just go and tea (waffles and maple syrup of course) with some of my friends in my very own log cabin. It's just about the best present ever and Mr Panda and Granpa Cat are very clever to have been able to build it themselves. back home, we have beavers to help, but I've never seen one round here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are there going to be beavers?????? wows!!!! x x x