Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas. We all had a wonderful time - in fact I've been so busy that I haven't had time to update my blog at all. Here is a picture of this year's Nativity play. As you can probably see, I was one of the three Kings this year - that meant that I could keep a close eye on Colin the Camel. In fact the only time when I wasn't holding firmly onto his bridle, was the moment when this picture was taken. I had to come forward with my two fellow Kings to give our presents to the baby Jesus. It was at this point that I really needed to pairs of eyes - one to keep watch on Colin, and the other for the baby mole next to me. I didn't know this, but apparently moles are very fond of shiny things, and as quick as the rest of us laid down our parcels in front of the crib, the mole picked them up and trundled off, saying things like "Bo urr, that be moine". Eventually, we managed to placate him with a bit of tinsel off the tree, and the play was able to proceed. Unfortunately by this time, Colin had wandered off and was helping himself to bites out of the scenery. Never mind, everyone seemed to think this was all highly comic and part of the show. You know what they say in show business - "Never work with animals and children". But that is a bit difficult in Sylvania!

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