Friday, 21 November 2008

The Sky at Night's the place for a Pup

Look what I found at the back of the attic! It's a beautiful old telescope. When I found it, I tried setting it up to look out of the little window at the back of the attic. When I looked through the telescope, I was amazed - everything I could see was upside down! I trotted downstairs to ask Grandpa Rabbit about it, and he explained that it is an astronomical telescope, and it's for looking at the stars. Apparently all astronomical telescopes work like that - don't ask me why. I tried hanging upside down to look through the eyepiece, but it was very tiring, and in the end, I decided a star probably looks the same both ways up anyway. I couldn't wait for it to go dark enough to go outside and try spotting some stars. Grandpa Rabbit found an old astronomy book I can borrow, and he helped me find some of important stars. Did you know the brightest star of all is in a part of the sky called "The Big Dog"? Not only that, but there's also a constellation called "Little Dog" and even one called Puppis! There's no doubt about it, this has been a giant leap for dogkind!

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