Wednesday 12 March 2008

A home of their own

Bucky and I decided that, if we were ever to shake off our feathery followers, we had to create an alternative attraction. What on earth would turn a young chicken's head? Then we had a brainwave - one thing all birds have is a strong nesting instinct, so if we could provide them with a suitable home, perhaps they would settle into it. Bucky set to chewing up lengths of wood for me, while I made a sturdy frame. Then we nailed all the planks on to the frame and added a nice watertight roof.

Then came the moment of truth - would the chicks take to their new home? At first we weren't sure - they sort of hung around cheeping and looking a bit baffled. So in the end, Bucky crawled through the little door to show them how it worked - and of course, they all followed him. As soon as they saw the nesting shelf we'd built, their minds were made up - this was definitely the place for them.

Now all I need to do is get Bucky out of there...

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