Friday 5 June 2009

School Trip Excitement!

When I arrived at school yesterday, there was really exciting news. Mrs Ewe announced that, as we've all worked hard this year, we can go on some school trips! Some of the smaller pupils got a bit overexcited about this, and some of the expectations are a bit unrealistic - I mean how many classes do you hear about who go to visit the pyramids for the afternoon? Anyway, we all turned up this morning with our packed lunches, and climbed on the big bus for the first mystery trip. We drove for about an hour and arrived at a seaside town. The bus parked up outside the Aquarium and we all trooped in. It was all very interesting - everybody loved seeing the fierce sharks and the petting pool where you could actually touch some of the fish was great. But my favourite was seeing Nemo, in pride of place in his own splendid tank. I always wondered what happened after the film - he stayed on in show business anyway. Everybody had a great time and the trip was a success, although it has to be said that the younger otters were just a bit too enthusiastic at the petting pool -you're not supposed to actually dive in and catch the fish apparently. No harm was done , though, and we all arrived home tired but happy. I can't wait to see where we go on Monday.

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