Wednesday 24 June 2009

Look out behind you!!

After the excitement of the volcano exhibition, and all the Museum staff running around looking for a missing dinosaur, we decided to go somewhere for a little bit of peace. We went into the Earth gallery, and I was showing Mole where Labrador is on a giant globe, when suddenly, Rebecca Rabbit tapped me on the shoulder. "Bobby!" she squeaked. "Not now, Rebecca, we can go to the shop in a minute", I replied. "BOBBY!!", she shouted in a very cross voice, "will you please look at this!"
I turned round to see a small, friendly looking stranger standing smiling up at Rebecca. We realised this must be the missing dinosaur and took him by the paw to fetch the Museum staff. But the little dino piped up,"Please can I come with you? I'm bored with sitting in that display case pretending to hatch out every 15 minutes. It's not what I call performance art". So we decided to take him home with us. But how were we to smuggle him out past the staff? We needed our thinking caps on for this one...

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