Monday 11 May 2009

Never judge a book by its cover

Oh dear, I made a huge mistake, assuming that all pigs like to do is roll around in mud all day, snuffling about and saying hello to a load of worms! When we met the Grunt family, they turned out to be the cleanest, neatest, most fastidious bunch of creatures I've ever laid my eyes on. I don't think they were very impressed with my suggestion that they could help me grub up a few wrigglers for my little black chum. However, they were very nice about it, and put their heads together to try to think of a solution. After a while, Hugh Grunt came back and announced "We've had an idea, but it probably won't work. You see, the creatures that we've most often seen scratching around in the dirt for wriggly things are chickens. But where on earth could you even one chicken around here?". If only they knew!


BunnyINDurham said...

FOOOLS!!! Have they not seen the chicken army in the living room!!!! They are taking over the house!!! x x x

Bobby Labrador said...

It's worse than that - they are evolving and changing colour!!