Wednesday 22 October 2008

Ranger to the Rescue

Well, what a relief! I turned around to see what was causing the rustling in the bushes, and out stepped a small but definitely friendly animal in a very smart uniform. He announced that he is the National Park Ranger for the area, and asked if I needed any assistance. I thought that was a bit of a strange question to ask when a few feet to his left stood a gigantic bear. Mr Ranger saw my expression and smiled kindly. "Don't worry about old Rabbie", he said "He's just a big old softy. He probably saw your fishing rod and thought he might be in for some handouts". We got to talking, and Mr Ranger explained that normally it's a very bad idea to feed bears you meet in the woods. But Rabbie is a personal friend, and a very trustworthy. "Just don't let him hug you too tight", explained Mr Ranger, "he can get a bit too affectionate for smaller animals".
Mr Ranger offered to show me the very best fishing pond in the forest - where there would be plenty for me to catch and enough to share with Rabbie. I'll let you know how we got on in my next post.

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