Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Rocketry is harder than I thought

Well I climbed to the top of the ladder, and then clambered into the cabin. I strapped myself into the special padded basket (it was my usual basket I use for naps, but I put an extra blanket in just in case of excessive G-Forces) and then I reached up to press the red button. I pressed it and then did a countdown..10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1?

Nothing! Not a sausage. I climbed back out of the capsule and down the ladder and went off to find someone to ask what had gone wrong. After a while I found Grandpa Rabbit. He came and looked at my rocket, and after a few moments, he started to chuckle.

"What's Up?", I asked.

"Well, young pup", he replied "it is normal for a space ship to include a rocket motor, or some sort of means of propulsion!". I looked at the bottom of the space ship, and it was true. There was a big gap where the smoke and flames normally come roaring out. "But it's made of cardboard", I explained "it would be dangerous to have a fire!". Grandpa just shook his head and smiled. "Perhaps you'd better wait until you're a bit bigger, and you can find a real space ship".

I suppose he's right. But, I ask you where on earth would I ever see a real space ship around here?

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