Thursday, 18 December 2008

Nativity Challenge

I can't believe it's nearly Christmas time again! Long-term Bobby fans may remember last year when the whole school dressed up and put on a Nativity Play. Well, we're doing the same this year. Everything was fine last time, except for a little trouble with some of the actors - the woolly sort! One of the sheep tried to eat the music off the piano, and, as I was the shepherd, I was not the most popular pup in town. So this year, I was absolutely determined there would be no repeat of the problem. I was so keen to prove myself, that when, Mrs Ewe asked for a volunteer to look after a new animal, I stuck my paw up straight away. She didn't say what sort of animal, but I assumed it might be some more sheep, or maybe a donkey. Either way, I have plenty of experience and there shouldn't be any surprises.
Oh how wrong I was! Imagine my surprise when Colin the Camel walked into the school hall! Not only is he just about the most exotic creature you can imagine, but he's also absolutely enormous! For a few moments, I couldn't think what to say - but fortunately Colin is a friendly camel and in no time at all we were getting on really well. The best news is, because I'm looking after Colin, I get to be one of the wise men in the play. I hope I get real gold to carry!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Rocketry is harder than I thought

Well I climbed to the top of the ladder, and then clambered into the cabin. I strapped myself into the special padded basket (it was my usual basket I use for naps, but I put an extra blanket in just in case of excessive G-Forces) and then I reached up to press the red button. I pressed it and then did a countdown..10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1?

Nothing! Not a sausage. I climbed back out of the capsule and down the ladder and went off to find someone to ask what had gone wrong. After a while I found Grandpa Rabbit. He came and looked at my rocket, and after a few moments, he started to chuckle.

"What's Up?", I asked.

"Well, young pup", he replied "it is normal for a space ship to include a rocket motor, or some sort of means of propulsion!". I looked at the bottom of the space ship, and it was true. There was a big gap where the smoke and flames normally come roaring out. "But it's made of cardboard", I explained "it would be dangerous to have a fire!". Grandpa just shook his head and smiled. "Perhaps you'd better wait until you're a bit bigger, and you can find a real space ship".

I suppose he's right. But, I ask you where on earth would I ever see a real space ship around here?

Monday, 8 December 2008

Up, up and away!

I'm on my way. I can't pretend that I wasn't a little bit nervous as I climbed up the ladder to the hatchway. After all, even the famous American astronauts didn't go into orbit in a space ship they'd built themselves! Never mind, I'm confident in the combination of Canadian know how and Sylvanian technology. I just hope I've packed enough treats for the trip - I wouldn't want to run out of dog biscuits before coming home!

I bet you're as excited as I am, but you'll just have to wait until next time to find out how I get on.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

To boldly go where no dog has woofed before

Using that telescope has certainly inspired me! I have decided that viewing the stars from a distance is just not enough - I'm going to visit them in person! The first thing a pup needs when venturing outside the earth's atmosphere is a space suit, so I buckled down to the job, and I think you have to agree I've done a pretty good job. OK, it's not yet entirely airtight, and my tail still sticks out of the back, but these are surely minor details.
Next I've got to make myself a spaceship, but we've got the cardboard, we've got the sticky tape and we have the technology, so there's no stopping us now. After all, there was a dog in space long before a human made it!