Friday 13 June 2008

I've had a nasty bump!

I'm afraid I've been in the wars. Before you say anything, it didn't happen when I was having a ride with Dippy. In fact, I was having a quiet afternoon in playing with Bucky. He wanted to have a game of Snakes and Ladders and I couldn't quite reach the game on the top shelf of the toy cupboard. I stood on a stool to reach it, there was a bit of a wobble and off I tumbled.
I landed badly on my right paw and it hurt an awful lot. I was taken down to see Nurse Beagle at the surgery and she put it right in no time. She has put a bandage on my paw, and I have to keep it on for a few days. Nurse Beagle gave me a bit of a telling off for climbing up on the stool - she says I should always ask a grown up to reach for things that are high up. She says things it such a kind way that you don't feel bad, and I'm certainly going to remember that advice.
It doesn't hurt much any more, but I'm just a bit worried that I won't be able to take part in next week's Village sports. I haven't decided which event to take part in yet, but I certainly don't want it to be the "sitting down and watching" race!

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