Thursday 14 February 2008

Baby Beaver Mayhem!

It didn't take long to find out what had taken Bucky's eye. It wasn't anything on the table that he fancied - it was the table itself! It was only about half an hour after I left Bucky at the playgroup whenI got a call to come back immediately. When I got there, I found a terrible scene. There was a small beaver surrounded by toys that had fallen off the table. There was a very cross looking Grandma Rabbit - and in the middle of it all there was a three legged table. He had chewed straight through one of the legs, and the whole thing had collapsed.

Now I have been told that I have got to find some way to keep Bucky from chewing things or he won't be allowed back in the playgroup at all. And I've somehow got to put right the damage done to the table. It's all very difficult - after all he's only doing what comes naturally to a beaver. I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on this time.

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