This really is the absolute limit. Do you remember when our football game was ruined when the pitch was invaded by an entire flock out to graze it to within an inch of its life? Well, they are only back and as full of mischief as ever! This morning I took some friends down to the Super Slider and there they were. The whole flock monopolising the slide and not letting anyone else have a go. The thing with sheep is that they always follow the leader, so once the lead sheep had decided he wanted another go and went back up the steps he was confronted with the rear end of the last sheep. That meant the loop was completed and then we had a never ending spiral of high speed slithering wooliness.
Well, we couldn't let this go on indefinitely- a dizzy sheep is never a happy sheep, and besides we wanted to get our slide back. I went to fetch Mrs Ewe - as she is a relative, she seems to be able to reason with the flock a bit better than the rest of us, plus, being a teacher, she has a really loud voice when she wants to. She finally managed to get the sheep back into their field, where they are now happily munching a way again. Best of all, she went to see Mr Panda, and he says that because we have lost a whole days playing, we can keep the slide a bit longer. So all's well that ends well.